About me

Hi there! I’m Yuanjun Lin. My journey into the world of analytics and data science began with curiosity and a drive to understand the stories behind every interesting but often unnoticed phenomenon in the world. Currently embarking on a Master’s program in Analytics in Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley, I’m on a path to blend my passion for data with real-world applications.

My adventure started as early as middle school when I started to learn about computer science and natural science topics. Later in high school, I developed more interest in social science and contemporary philosophy. However, it was at Duke Kunshan University, where I had my undergraduate degree in Data Science, that I met many different individuals and had opportunities to learn more about analytics and especially practice my skills. It was here, amidst collaborative projects and innovative research, that I further discovered my knack for transforming complex data into compelling narratives and strategic insights.

Beyond the classrooms and labs there, my journey took me back to my home city, the bustling city of Shanghai, where I dived into the intricacies of market research, uncovering the subtle dynamics that drive industries forward. But it’s not just the numbers that fascinate me; it’s the stories they tell and the impact they can have on people and communities.

Away from the screens and numbers, I find joy in giving back to the community, from supporting the elderly to advocating for inclusivity. It’s these experiences that remind me of the human side of technology and the importance of using our skills for good.

Join me as I navigate the exciting intersection of data, technology, and humanity. Welcome to my corner of the internet!